1.Ambito di applicazione della politica
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"Informazioni riservate" indica tutte le informazioni relative agli affari e alle finanze della Società, inclusi, a titolo esemplificativo, procedure tecniche e diritti di proprietà intellettuale, elenchi di clienti, clienti e fornitori, inclusi i dettagli di potenziali clienti; i suoi rapporti commerciali, transazioni e affari; i suoi prodotti e servizi; dati di contatto di clienti, clienti e fornitori; informazioni sulle persone all'interno di clienti, clienti e fornitori; proiezioni finanziarie, obiettivi e conti; politiche e statistiche sui prezzi; attività commerciali, sviluppo del prodotto e piani futuri; e informazioni simili riguardanti la Società clienti, clienti e fornitori, le cui informazioni sono riconosciute dal Dipendente come:
• Riservato alla Società;
• Commercialmente sensibile nel mercato dell'azienda; e
• Potenzialmente dannoso per la stabilità finanziaria della Società se divulgato a terzi.
Il "know-how" è definito nella sezione 3 del presente documento.
2.Dichiarazione politica
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Il Dipendente riconosce:
a. Che la divulgazione in qualsiasi momento durante il contratto lavorativo o in seguito alla cessazione del contratto, di conoscenze, dati, segreti commerciali, invenzioni, programmi e altre questioni riguardanti l'attività della Società sia esistenti prima del contratto o creati durante (di seguito "il know-how") a terze parti crea la Società finanziari io di altra natura.
b. Che nel corso del loro impiego abbiano accesso al know-how e possano (sia da soli che con qualsiasi altra persona) aver creato il know-how che si riferisce direttamente o indirettamente all'attività della Società.
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5.Copyright / Proprietà intellettuale
Il copyright e qualsiasi altro diritto di proprietà intellettuale su tutte le opere di qualsiasi natura scritte, originate, concepite o realizzate dal Dipendente (le "Opere") devono appartenere alla società. Il Dipendente con la presente rinuncia a tutti i diritti morali che possono avere in relazione a tali opere.
Tutte le scoperte, i disegni, le invenzioni, i processi segreti o i miglioramenti nelle procedure, nei sistemi, nelle attrezzature o nei servizi realizzati, sviluppati, elaborati, scritti o scoperti dal Dipendente durante l’attività lavorativa devono essere immediatamente comunicati al Responsabile e sono di proprietà assoluta della Società.
Questa politica verrà comunicata al personale tramite intranet aziendale, e durante le riunioni del personale.
Data Approvazione 20/5/2020
Firma per Approvazione (AU)
Covid, è italiano il primo vaccino basato sul Dna: "Sarà disponibile dal 2022" Si chiama Covid e-Vax il primo vaccino anti-Covid che utilizza un frammento di Dna del virus per produrre…
Vaccine Takis / Rottapharm: how does it work and why is it different from others? The clinical trial for the second Italian vaccine, developed by the Roman company Takis in collaboration…
16 March 2021 – Stasera Italia, the Italian way to the COVID-19 vaccine COVID-eVax is the second Italian vaccine to enter clinical trials and the first of its kind to reach…
14 March 2021 – TGR Officina Italia, Italy is going to produce COVID-19 vaccines Italy can make a fundamental contribution to the fight against the pandemic by participating in the European…
9 March 2021 – Agorà, a new vaccine entirely made in Italy Emanuele Marra – Director of Infectious Disease Area – and Giuseppe Roscilli – Director of Antibody Development Area –…
4 March 2021 – The first volunteer tested Takis vaccine COVID-eVax Luca Rivolti, 21, is the first volunteer who tested the vaccine against COVID-19 developed by Takis and Rottapharm biotech. The…
Download PDF Italian Version Download PDF March 1, 2021 - The first healthy volunteers received the initial dose of the DNA vaccine against COVID-19 (COVID-eVax) designed by Takis and developed in collaboration…
24 February 2021 – Takis ranked first in Regione Lazio Takis ranked first in the call “Emergenza Coronavirus ed Oltre” in the event “L’innovazione oltre l’emergenza” organized by Regione Lazio in…
Download PDF Italian Version Download PDF Takis and Rottapharm Biotech announce the authorization of the clinical trial by the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) of COVID-eVax, the vaccine against COVID-19 designed by Takis…
STONY BROOK, N.Y. and ROME, ITALY – March 2, 2021 - Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (the “Company”), a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing, and its…
Takis has been added to the European Malaria Fund portfolio. The EU Malaria Fund is a public-private partnership between the European Union, international organizations, corporations and organized civil society, providing a…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO of Takis, and Lucio Rovati, CEO of Rottapharm biotech, interviewed on the journal of SIMeF – Società Italiana di Medicina Farmaceutica. They talked about the contribution of…
In January, the clinical trial of our DNA vaccine for Covid-19 - 100% made in Italy - will begin at the research center of the San Gerardo Hospital in Monza…
WIth the first generation of vaccine against COVID-19 being investigated in clinical trials, vaccines able to fight the new emerging variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus will be the next goal…
Our vaccine COVID-eVax has been described within Covidx initiative, together with other ongoing European projects aimed at fighting SARS-Cov-2 pandemics. Covidx platform provides the public with up-to-date and accurate information…
Takis collaborates in the “TraZimab” project coordinated by Menarini Biotech and financed by Lazio Innova. The project put together three important local organizations - Menarini Biotech, Takis and OPBG (Bambin…
Napoli e Roma, 18 luglio 2020 – Takis e Fondazione Melanoma annunciano una collaborazione scientifica finalizzata alla sperimentazione clinica del vaccino contro COVID-19 in autunno, denominato COVID-eVax. In particolare, Fondazione…
The CEO of Takis Luigi Aurisicchio, interviewed by Tagadà – La7, gave a brief demonstration on how our COVID-19 vaccine will be administered to patients by DNA-electroporation technology. In addition, he…
In this letter to the editor, we summarized advantages and drawbacks of current genetic vaccination approaches against COVID-19. Despite some intrinsic limitations, DNA-based vaccines are an ideal vaccination platform for infectious…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO e Founder di Takis racconta: «L’incontro con Euler Hermes è stato importantissimo perché ci ha dato un grande contributo che ci aiuterà a caratterizzare il tipo di…
In this commentary, we outline the strategies and targets currently adopted in developing a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. Based on previous evidence and experience with SARS and MERS, the primary focus…
Aurisicchio Ad Takis: “Un’opportunità sinergica e nuovi stimoli”. Lucio Rovati, Presidente e Direttore Scientifico di Rottapharm Biotech; “non solo i capitali per la prima fase di sperimentazione, ma soprattutto il…
Takis has been mentioned in the video reportage on “Il Fatto Quotidiano” dedicated to the three Italian companies based near Rome that are working on the development of a Covid-19…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO of Takis, has been a host on the special “Meet the future” about biotech and coronavirus, organized by Repubblica TV in collaboration with Assobiotec. Scientists, entrepreneurs and politicians…
NEOMATRIX is a individualised therapeutic cancer vaccine against tumour specific antigens, called neoantigens, arising from somatic gene mutations in malignant cells during neoplastic transformation. The tailored vaccine is intended for…
After inducing antibodies in animal models, Takis vaccines have proven effective in neutralizing the SARS-CoV-2 virus, thanks to the collaboration with the Spallanzani Institute in Rome "The results obtained to date…
On Radio Cusano Campus – Genetica Oggi, our CEO / CSO Luigi Aurisicchio answered key questions on the clinical development of the Covid-19 vaccine: when it is ready, who will…
Forbes dedicated a fascinating article about Takis and our race to develop a vaccine against the new Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2. Covid-19 is an opportunity for us to learn: this is the first…
We are proud to announce that the results of our first study on animal models are extremely positive. After a single dose, our five candidate DNA-based vaccines were able to…
Sky-TG24 has dedicated a television report about Takis and our vaccine against Covid-19. Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO of Takis and Evvivax, and Emanuele Marra, Director of Infectious Diseases Area, have shown…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO of Takis and Evvivax, in Skype connection on the Italian TV program “Otto e mezzo” conducted by Lilli Gruber. They talked about the economic impact of Covid-19 and…
Have a look at our young and talented researchers while they are working on the development of Covid-19 vaccine in our laboratories based in Castel Romano! Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO of Takis…
Da anni, l’istituto Pascale di Napoli è alla frontiera dell’Immunoterapia del Cancro. I ricercatori ed i medici rappresentano non solo l’eccellenza italiana, ma anche mondiale per l’attuazione di strategie terapeutiche…
Takis is an Italian company, founded by a small group of researchers who never thought of leaving Italy, despite the difficulty in doing good scientific research in this country . This…
The Italian songwriter Simone Cristicchi has made an appeal to support our crowdfunding campaign. We are really grateful to have such a great testimonial helping us to raise money for bringing…
Our CEO Luigi Aurisicchio has been interviewed on the national Chinese TV CGTN about Takis commitment to develop a Covid-19 genetic vaccine. He described how we designed the vaccine starting from…
Our CEO Luigi Aurisicchio has been invited in Skype connection to the Italian TV program “Porta a porta” conducted by Bruno Vespa. He has described our effort to develop a genetic…
Takis scientists are absolutely committed to find solutions to COVID-19 epidemic as soon as possible and are investing time and resources to move forward. However, the next steps up to…
Rome, 17 March 2020 - Takis, a biotech company in Castel Romano, Rome, announces that it is ready to test its Covid-19 vaccine on pre-clinical models. The authorization comes from…
– Applied DNA Expected to Enter Large-Scale Production of Candidates in March; Preclinical Testing in Animals by Takis Biotech Anticipated to Begin in Calendar Q2 2020 -– Candidates Inspired by…
A WHO (World Health Organization) meeting took place on 11-12 February to map out companies and academic groups that have announced Covid-19 development programs. Takis is the only Italian company and…
The Italian TV programme TGR Officina Italia has dedicated a television report about Takis and our research activities to develop a vaccine against Covd-19. We announced our commitment as soon…
12 February 2020 . Takis has applied to the European Call: “Advancing knowledge for the clinical and public health response to the 2019-nCoV epidemic” with the project “EUIMMUnCoV: The European Immunotherapy…
Emanuele Marra, Director of infectious diseases area and Fabio Palombo, Director of Immunology and Vaccine area at Takis appeared on the Italian TV programme “Mezz’ora in più” by Lucia Annunziata. They…
Takis research has been mentioned on Radio 24 among the worldwide initiatives to characterize and fight Wuhan coronavirus, together with Spallanzani Institute, Campus Biomedico and Rino Rappuoli. Proud to make…
7 February 2020 - Applied DNA Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (“Applied DNA” or the “Company”) a leader in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based DNA manufacturing for product authenticity, traceability solutions, nucleic…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO of Takis and Evvivax, declared in an interview on La Stampa newspaper that our genetic vaccine against 2019-nCov Coronavirus may be ready in about 4 months for…
Rome, 27 January 2020 - Takis and Evvivax, two biotechnology companies present in the science park of Castel Romano, Rome announce their commitment for the development of innovative vaccines against…
Takis is proud to announce very promising results achieved with Trazimab, a monoclonal antibody against a new target expressed by Aspergillus fumigatus, a fungus which causes Aspergillosis, a rare and…
Takis second Biotech in Europe at EIT Health Catapult Final! Takis second Biotech in Europe at EIT Health Catapult Final Paris, 2 December, 2019 – NeoMatrix, a neoantigen-based cancer vaccine based on…
NeoMatrix Personalized Cancer Vaccine Program at EIT Health Final in Paris, 2-3 December 2019 Takis among the 7 European Finalists at EIT Health Summit Paris, 2 December, 2019 – Takis, an Italian…
TDr Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis and Evvivax, will attend Bioeurope 2019. As Europe's largest life science partnering conference, BIO-Europe offers countless opportunities to engage with global life science partners…
The company of the Tecnopolo di Castel Romano in Rome is among the 7 finalists of the European Health Catapult. The final will be held on 2 and 3 December…
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis Biotech has been invited at the workshop “Opportunità per Healthcare Innovative Startup” by the organizers to share its experience as finalist at EIT Health…
Tumor Reduction Demonstrated In Vivo Using Two Linear DNA Vaccines in Animal Models STONY BROOK, N.Y., September 19, 2019 – Applied DNA Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) (“Applied DNA”), a leader in large-scale PCR-based DNA…
The American platform Expertscape has included our CEO and CSO, Dr. Luigi Aurisicchio, in the list of top experts on cancer vaccines in Italy. He ranks second in the list…
We are proud to announce that Takis biotech has been awarded with the SME Instrument Phase 1(ot EIC accelerator) for its program on Neo-Antigen cancer vaccine, TK-Neo. The aim of…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis, has been invited to the event organized by Tecnopolo S.p.A and dedicated to Health Technology and Artificial Intelligence. The meeting brings togheter companies and academic institutions…
Our CEO/CSO Luigi Aurisicchio has been invited to the event “Lazio2030: insieme per innovare”, because Takis is among the companies that have successfully used regional support to invest in research…
Takis qualified as a semifinalist at the European Health Catapult organized by EIT Health with the support of the Health Axis Europe. This makes us among the 14 best biotech…
Takis has been included in the BOOK “Attrazione per gli investimenti”, distributed at the Bio International Convention of Philadelphia, within the Italy Country Presentation. The Country Presentation is organized by…
Our CEO/CSO Luigi Aurisicchio has been interviewd at Radio Cusano Campus, on the programme “Genetica oggi”. He summarized Takis research in the field of oncology and rare diseases. Our company uses…
We are happy to share with you this video shot in our laboratories. This is an overview of our company and wonderful team, made up of experienced and passionate researchers. Our…
Rome, April 9, 2019 - Takis S.r.l. (“TAKIS”) and Trianni, Inc. ("TRIANNI") today announced Takis access to the Trianni mice platform as service provider. TAKIS is proud to announce that the…
This week "Il Corriere della Sera" published an article in the Biotechnology section describing our product Rever3mAb. This is a monoclonal antibody able to “revert” resistance to conventional anticancer therapies. Research…
Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis, has been interviewed at Radio Roma Capitale – Live Social. He told the listeners about the story of Takis, Evvivax and VITARES, all born in…
Takis is proud to announce the publication of the article "The Yin and Yang of Current Antifungal Therapeutic Strategies: How Can We Harness Our Natural Defenses?" by Di Mambro et…
Takis is glad to sponsor the first Vitares Annual Congress, which is also the first Italian One Health meeting focusing on Cancer Immunotherapy. This meeting brings together Basic research, Veterinary and…
We are proud to announce the first POC data achieved in advanced preclinical models with our personalized vaccine platform based on NeoAntigen Identification/DNA Electroporation and published on Journal of Experimental…
Takis is coordinating the project REVER3MAB, in collaboration with Istituto Regina Elena IRCCS and IBI – Istituto Biochimico Lorenzini, for the development of an anticancer monoclonal antibody aimed at "reverting…
Dr. Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis and Evvivax flew to Lille to represent both the companies at BioFIT 2018. This is the place where academia-industry collaborations get started, an exceptional…
The NeoAg Summit is the annual industry focused meeting dedicated to advancing neoantigen based cancer vaccines and cell therapies. The meeting brings together research groups and companies from all over…
Dr. Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis and Evvivax, flew to Copenaghen to attend BIO-Europe, the Europe’s largest partnering conference for biotech and life science. Over 4,000 industry attendees from over 60…
Applied DNA Sciences Inc. ("Applied DNA" or the "Company") announced that LineaRx, Inc. ("LineaRx"), its wholly-owned subsidiary focused on next-generation biotherapeutics, has signed a Joint Development Agreement (the "Agreement") with…
In recent decades, there has been a growing development of biological, immunological and pharmacological therapy in the treatment of cancer. NIBIT is the most important network in Italy covering all…
Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is the main national meeting of matchmaking and updating in the field of Life Sciences. With the participation of 420 organizations from 37 countries, the…
We are glad to sponsor such an exceptional scientific event for our country, taking place at the Sapienza University of Rome. This is an extraordinary platform where scientists at the…
Fighting cancer by exploiting the immune system is a very promising field of research. From the earliest stages of tumorigenesis, immune cells function as guardians, prematurely destroying the mutated and…
The Aspergillus field continues in a state of rapid advancement, including the publication of numerous post-genomic papers and substantial advances in translational, immunologic, epidemiologic and diagnostic research.
Takis has recently developed new assays to test in mouse models and in human PBMCs the activity of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
STONY BROOK, N.Y. (November 30, 2017) — Applied DNA Sciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: APDN) is conducting an evaluation of two animal vaccines with Evvivax srl, an Italian biotech company focused on…
Dr Fabio Palombo - Cancer Vaccine group leader at Takis - presented at Boston: Developing a neoantigen cancer vaccine strategy by plasmid DNA and electroporation
The 23rd annual BIO-Europe is Europe's largest partnering conference serving the global biotechnology industry. Delegates from all parts of the biotechnology value chain come to BIO-Europe to quickly identify,
Evvivax scientists will be at VCS and present the following abstract: Tel-eVax™: a Genetic Vaccine targeting Telomerase for treatment of Canine Malignant Lymphoma
„Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.“ - Someone famous - Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed…
Takis was present at IFIB 2017 with two presentations. "We are glad to be part of the Industrial Biotechnology system in Lazio Region. The feedback at IFIB was extremely positive…
Takis and Evvivax presented new data at the 2nd World Electroporation Congress in Norfolk, VA. Luigi Aurisicchio showed a wealth of data showing that Electroporation is a great technology for…
EVVIVAX has moved from mice, to cats and dogs and now Elephants! EVVIVAX is proud to be part of the team treating Juno, a beautiful 50 year old Asian Elephant diagnosed…
Launching Pre-Clinical Plasmid Manufacturing Professional Quality Plasmids for Pre-Clinical Applications Takis delivers high purity, low endotoxin plasmid preparations suitable for pre-clinical DNA vaccine and gene therapy research in small (mice, rats, rabbits) and…
The Antibody Technologies and Therapeutic Conference (Antibody Tech 2017) was held at the Monash University Prato Centre, Italy, from Sunday 10th to Wednesday 13th September 2017.
The Antibody Technologies and Therapeutic Conference (Antibody Tech 2017) was held at the Monash University Prato Centre, Italy, from Sunday 10th to Wednesday 13th September 2017. This year's meeting brought together internationally recognized…
We are proud to host Prof. Luigina Romani and are very keen to learn about new discoveries done in her laboratory. Prof. Romani is one of the top scientists in Italy…
A Personalized Vaccine Against Cancer: this is the ambitious goal of Biogem Research Institute and Takis Biotech. Immuno-oncology has shown that by unlocking the immune system, extraordinary clinical results that…
The Aspergillus fungi can cause a variety of diseases, including allergic bronchial pulmonary aspergillosis and invasive aspergillosis. The first occurs in immunocompetent individuals, whereas invasive aspergillosis in immunocompromised patients who…
Il 17 maggio 2017 la Regione Lazio ha ospitato il convegno “Le nuove sfide della ricerca oncologica: verso una partnership tra Enti Pubblici e Industria nella regione Lazio”, un evento per…
Join us at the Annual World Vaccine Congress in Washington DC! The 17th Annual World Vaccine Congress is the place where the global vaccine industry meets to discuss commercial and scientific…
In collaboration with Biogem, Dr Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis, will present the Poster: "Epitope-minigenes for optimal induction of the immune response against tumor associated antigens and neoantigens", abstract #5639…
SAVE THE DATE! VITARES and Takis "Formazione" are proud to host Vincenzo Barnaba, Professor of Internal Medicine at the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties - Sapienza University of Rome and Director…
Dr Giuseppe Roscilli is joining Immune Oncology Summit Europe, a meeting where Industry and Academic advances in this field merge in cutting-edge science and discussion. Topics: T-cell technology including next-generation CAR Ts, TCRs, and…
Takis is proud to announce the seminar of Prof. Andrea Ballabio. Prof. Ballabio is: Scientific Director at TIGEM - Naples; Professor of Medical Genetics at the Department of Translational Medicine, University…
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at Takis and Evvivax, today announced that the Team will support VITARES, Veterinary Immunotherapy and Translational Research Association: "We are glad to host VITARES in our…
Takis team is happy to announce the publication of the paper "The natural compound fucoidan from New Zealand Undaria pinnatifida synergizes with the ERBB inhibitor lapatinib enhancing melanoma growth inhibition…
In collaboration with Prodotti Gianni, Takis is happy to announce the presentation of Dr Juan Hidalgo de Quintana, PhD from Abcam. Many multiplex technologies require splitting samples across different wells and…
In the last twenty years thanks to medicines and vaccines we can cure and prevent fatal diseases. The quality of life has grown and many hopes have become reality for hundreds…
Phages as valuable tools to be used as a platform for antigen delivery? Can they activate and sustain a long-lasting adaptive immune response against Cancer and other diseases? Join us to…
Focusing on current issues in Life Sciences, BioFIT 2016’s conference programme promises a varied and rich agenda, featuring the latest opinions on trending topics.Supported by its prestigious Steering Committee, the…
Join Takis at Bio-Europe 2016, the Europe's largest partnering conference serving the global biotechnology industry. Please meet Dr Luigi Aurisicchio, CEO/CSO at ICE Focal Point. Send an email to info@takisbiotech.it to…
Rome, Italy - 3 November 2016: Takis, a Biotechnology Company developing Innovative Genetic Vaccines, Monoclonal Antibodies and platform technologies for Cancer and Infectious diseases, is proud to announce the creation…
PEGS Europe is the largest European event covering all aspects of protein and antibody engineering. Over the last three years, participation at PEGS Europe has grown by more than 60%…
Takis has participated at the MIT4LS 2016 edition, an event where Representatives from institutions, companies, clusters and research centers will join together to analyze and discuss strategies, challenges, weakness and…
Takis' Research is developing immunotherapies against Cancer and pathogens. Moreover, more and more we are learning how microbiome can impact most of physiologic processes in our body. Prof. Sanguinetti is a…
Takis is delighted to announce that the event "Genetic vaccines: the future for infectious diseases and cancer" was a great success. A number of researchers from different Italian Research Institutions…
Dr Fabiana F. Ferrara, scientist at Takis Biotech, participated at FISV 2016 (Italian Federation of Life Sciences) with the selected oral presentation: "Human lung adenocarcinoma cell cultures derived from malignant pleural effusions as model system to predict patients chemosensitivity" outlining the importance of…
Here the topics that will be discussed by Prof. Delogu: The existing TB vaccine, the attenuated Mycobacterium bovis strain BCG, is effective in protecting infants from severe forms of the disease…
Takis is proud to announce that Rever3mAb, our lead anti-HER3 antibody, was safe in a regulatory toxicology study conducted in rats. In addition, the antibody pattern of recognition in human tissues…
L’aspergillosi invasiva è diventata nell’ultimo ventennio un problema sanitario rilevante in conseguenza dei numerosi trattamenti immunosoppressive in campo oncologico e trapiantologico. La mortalità associata a questa infezione fungina può arrivare fino…
Takis is proud to announce to be part of the Global Biotech week in collaboration with Assobiotec. Our scientists will educate visitors showing innovations and driving technologies for cancer therapy…
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio participated at SIICA, the Italian Society of Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology with two presentations outlining: 1) the importance of canine patients as predictive translational models in Immunology…
Takis' scientists strongly believe that pets represent the best preclinical models in Oncology and Immuno-Oncology. Our results obtained so far in clinical studies performed in Italy and USA strongly support the efficacy…
Dr Giulia Piaggio, Istituto Regina Elena, Rome, will present new data on unique preclinical models that allow Molecular Imaging of Biological Processes during cancerogenesis. The seminar will provide important insights in…
Takis is at the frontline of Cancer Immunotherapy with many internal research programs. Dr Luigi Aurisicchio will present at the annual CIMT meeting new data on: "Epitope-minigenes for optimal induction of the immune…
Within the "Takis Education" program, Dr Sibilio will provide the state of art for the development of biologics: from discovery in the lab to a real Biotech product. This process requires…
A seminar titled : Harnessing the Immune System to fight Cancer: the power of genetic vectors for Veterinary applications was jointly given by Dr Luigi Aurisicchio (Takis Biotech) and Dr…
Takis is proud to announce the "Takis Education" program. High level scientists will share their expertise, ideas and discoveries aiming at creating new networks and collaborations. The first seminar will be…
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio has been invited to the following Roud Table: Networks and alliances with the industry: how can TTOs contribute to their success? Industry is increasing its partnering activities…
Takis presents TK-004 at the World Veterinary Vaccines meeting in Madrid. This event is a great opportunity to meet people involved in Vaccine development, regulatory process, manufacturing and market needs.
Takis is present at BioEurope, a unique event to establish new networks and collaborations with stakeholders, academic centers and big Pharma.
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio will present compelling data on the increased overall survival in Lymphoma canine patients as a result of combining Chemotherapy with TK004, our Ad/DNA-EGT based cancer vaccine targeting…
TK-002 stromal vaccine was presented at the "Network Italiano per la Bioterapia dei Tumori" in Siena. Takis attends every year this interesting meeting, where top Italian and International Immunologists meet and…
Takis will attend the 15th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum. The forum is recognised as the leading international stage for those interested in investing and partnering in the biotech and life…
With the explosion of interest in cancer immunotherapy and the proliferation of scientific meetings in the field, the time is right for a coordinated effort hosted by the field's leaders…
Siamo lieti di annunciare che il progetto "Sviluppo di Anticorpi Monoclonali anti-ErbB3 come terapeutici e diagnostici in ambito oncologico", presentato dalla Takis in collaborazione con l'Organismo di Ricerca BIOGEM (www.biogem.it)…
Takis Biotech is seeking one Marketing manager. The Research Project is related to finding potential Clients and interest in Anti-ErbB3 antibodies as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in Oncology. The ideal candidate should…
Takis was selected for an oral presentation on new data on TK004 veterinary cancer vaccine and combination strategy with different immunomodulators at the "Modern Vaccines Adjuvant and Delivery Systems" Conference at Leiden.
Dr Luigi Aurisicchio is proud to announce that Takis has been selected for a presentation at the Investor Arena at BioInItaly Investment Forum & Intesa San Paolo Start Up Initiative…
"Targeting the Stroma to hit the tumor: MMP11 as a novel target for cancer immunotherapy": this is the title of the poster present by Dr Luigi Aurisicchio at the American…
Takis announces that the company was selected and awarded by "Città Metropolitana di Roma" to hire a FTE aiming at developing new products. The selection took place among dozen of…
In Collaboration with BIOGEM, Takis Biotech is seeking one researcher with expertise in Immunology assays, flow cytometry and cell culture. The Research Project is related to the Development of Anti-ErbB3 antibodies…
Takis will attend and present at Biotechnology Partnering Conference - BIO-Europe 2014 in Frankfurt, Germany. For more info: http://www.ebdgroup.com/bioeurope/index.php
Takis has contributed to a very interesting study conceived by Sigma-Tau collaborators aiming at treating invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) determined by the fungus Aspergillus Fumigatus. Posaconazole is currently used for the…
Takis presented new data about the canine clinical trial conducted in collaboration with Dr Impellizeri, Veterinary Oncology Services (VOS), New York, USA (www.petcancerinformation.com/) at the “XIIth NIBIT Meeting- Cancer Bio-Immunotherapy in…
Takis research activities and services have been reported in the 29th September Issue of "Il Sole 24ore", the most important Italian Newspaper about Economy and Finance. Here, the Biotechnology sector…
Takis announces the publication of an Article by the Corriere della Sera, an important national Newspaper. The article describes Takis as a promising and interesting example of a young Biotech company where…
Takis presents new data on "Superior immunologic and therapeutic efficacy of a xenogeneic genetic cancer vaccine targeting human carcinoembryonic antigen" at PIVAC, the 14th international conference on progress in vaccination…
Luigi Aurisicchio was invited speaker at Cancer Antibodies Vaccines/Adjuvant Delivery, held at CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland. The titles of the presentations were: "Safety and Efficacyof a Genetic Vaccine targeting Telomerase against…
Takis anti-ErbB3 antibodies were successfuly utilized in a novel system set up at Vanderbilt University. The article "Quantitative optical imaging of primary tumor organoid metabolism predicts drug response in breast…
Takis is happy to announce the publication of the article "Efficacy of aerosol therapy of lung cancer correlates with EGFR paralysis induced by AvidinOX-anchored biotinylated Cetuximab" appeared on Oncotarget and…
Takis is proud to announce that the company has been awarded a UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certificate by Certiquality. "This is an important achievement for Takis, as it further demonstrate the…
In partnership with BIOGEM, Takis Biotech is seeking three researchers with strong expertise in Antibody production, characterization and regulatory development. The project where candidates will be involved is on the Development…
November 2013 – Takis regarded as “Treasures to keep a watch over” on Platinum Magazine link online page 128
On Monday, 28 October 2013 Takis is at page 3 of the Newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore speciale Eventi "Ricerca, Formazione, Innovazione tecnologica".http://websystem.ilsole24ore.com
In partnership with academic institutions and other private companies, Takis Biotech has been very recently awarded as partner of the project “MOdelli in Vivo di Patologie UmanE” – MOVIE. For the…