November 23, 2013
Canine lymphoma is a devastating disease with survival times ranging from 3-14 months with standard of care chemotherapy and less than 60 days without treatment. Takis, a biotech company based in Rome, Italy, has created a cancer vaccine against canine lymphoma with published data supporting it's ability to extend survival when combined with chemotherapy. It was published in Human Gene Therapy, Aug, 2013 and Molecular Therapy in 2010.
Safety and efficacy of a genetic vaccine targeting telomerase plus chemotherapy for the therapy of canine B-cell lymphoma.
Gavazza A, Lubas G, Fridman A, Peruzzi D, Impellizeri JA, Luberto L, Marra E, Roscilli G, Ciliberto G, Aurisicchio L.
Hum Gene Ther. 2013 Aug;24(8):728-38. doi: 10.1089/hum.2013.112.
A vaccine targeting telomerase enhances survival of dogs affected by B-cell lymphoma.
Peruzzi D, Gavazza A, Mesiti G, Lubas G, Scarselli E, Conforti A, Bendtsen C, Ciliberto G, La Monica N, Aurisicchio L.
Mol Ther. 2010 Aug;18(8):1559-67. doi: 10.1038/mt.2010.104. Epub 2010 Jun 8.
Dr. Joseph Impellizeri of Veterinary Oncology Services is a board-certified veterinary oncologist in New York and a 1994 Cornell Graduate. Dr. Impellizeri oversees the vaccine now available here in the United States. For the past 26 months, he has been currently enrolling patients under several clinical trials:
Dr. Impellizeri comments "We are thrilled to be the preferred center of excellence for this vaccine and the sole center for the clinical trials in the United States. It brings me great joy to see patients exceed their expected survivals" Boomer is 2 years out from the diagnosis of his T cell lymphoma. He was one of the first patients treated and continues to show no signs of his lymphoma. He completed 6 months of chemo and receives regular boosters of the vaccine. His pet parent, Jason is thrilled as this subtype of lymphoma is typical for a 6 month survival even with treatment.
Dr. Luigi Aurisicchio, PhD of Takis Biotech in Rome and the creator the vaccine is excited about the results seen in Europe and now in the United States. "This treatment vaccine was created to help animals with many different types of cancer. We are thrilled at the results so far and hope to move studies forward to help people with cancer in the future. These animal patients treated help push data forward for human trials." As Dr. Impellizeri added "as well as help our animal friends along the way"
For more information, please visit the site at and
J. A. Impellizeri DVM, DACVIM, MRCVS
Diplomate- American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology)
Member, Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
Veterinary Oncology Services, PLLC, Visiting Scholar-Vassar College, NY
Director, Barrymore Center for Advanced Cancer Therapeutics
Tel-845 205 2768