Breaking Immune tolerance is key for cancer vaccines and chronic infectious disases. We know the way.

Assessing Antigens immunogenicity

  • Cloning of the cDNA in a suitable expression vector
  • Engineering of the antigen to enhance its immunogenicity (e.g. codon optimization, deletions, fusion with immuno-enhancing sequences)
  • Determination of immunologic breakpoint in tolerant preclinical models (mouse, rat)
  • Measurement of the immune response (T cell, antibodies, innate immunity)

Example: evaluation of immunogenicity of a modified antigen




 immunology workflow

Looking for the best vaccination schedule and combination agents?

Comparing immunogenicity of vaccination platforms and adjuvants

  • DNA electro-gene transfer
  • Adenoviral vectors
  • Dendritic cells
  • Peptides
  • Proteins
  • TLR agonists
  • Immunomodulatory Abs

Example: comparison of DC vs DNA-EGT/Ad for antigen X in mice

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New adjuvants/immunomodulators validation workflow

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Takis is a biotech dedicated to cancer research. Our primary objective is the development of innovative therapies based on the principle that our immune system can be “instructed” to recognize the tumor and reject it as a foreign entity.